&001=Photography exhibition opening &002=B#/my/ bicycle &003= Just kids &004=What we are waiting for? &005=Fire girl &006=Every autumn / Under my feet &007=AIWA / Portraits of friends &008=Just before the rain &009=Inside &010=Alone / The old lady with flowers &011=...just beer...no thanks, i am alone &012=The Shining &013=Sausage, candle, vodka, keys &014=First few drops of rain &015=Photo. New academic year started &016=The dead end &017=Rapid changes &018= Man vs. Machine &019=Wait, or go to sleep
(electrical fault tonight) &020=Late afternoon, cold rain &021=A few drops &022=Imprison &023=Night riders &024=Hypnotized &025=Saturday &026=Fuzzy over the flying carpet &027=Trauma &028=Again &029=Office Tango &030=Uncertainty &031=ExtraFoto &032=Princess Diana resurrected! &033=City, like a big nest &034=Light Interactions &035= Browsing summer archives
/tired of darkness and cold/ &036=Heavy first snow /on grape leaves/ &037=Golden Lady &038=Sweet red wine :) &039=Outside-Inside &040=Evening service &041=Stars &042=Wind and showers &043= 14:50 &044=Far far away &045=Not scary :) Halloween like Kabuki
(Vetre and Daiva) &046=All Saints' Day &047=Antagonism &048=Across the line &049=Smoke &050=Orange &051= ?! &052=3 colors &053=Evening &054=Portrait &055=The kick &056=Up! Heaven? &057=Imprisoned Sun &058=A star for a minute &059=Papers &060= 3? &061=It's over / Like a snake &062=So what? It's monday! &063=The flowers &064=Lights! Camera! ... &065=Frozen &066=Epson everywere &067=Street politics &068=Guillotine &069=Observer &070=Up &071=Reflections &072=One eyed kitten Behemoth is looking for a new home &073=Red light, fast bus &074=Scratches &075=Flow of life &076=Red line &077=Daily feeding &078=Digital coffee &079=Floating windows &080=Music is the best! &081=Full moon over city &082=Sunday &083=Mathematics /in a bus/ &084=What's up?! &085=Public - private &086=Far away / silence &087=Gediminas Avenue &088=Storm walkers &089=Security &090=Industry &091=Sliding &092=Grapes &093=Memories &094=Life in Toyota &095=Passing by / Christmas tree &096=Hands &097=Hard day night &098=Nature of rainbow &099=Traditions &100=Peace in my heart